Parental Profiling @ PHS
As we continue to further develop our strategies to partner with our students’ parents and carers I would like to introduce a new initiative called “Parental Profiling”.
Parental Profiling @ PHS works by you expressing an interest in what you may like to be consulted upon, or what you would like to get involved in. When we are working on those areas, we will take a random sample of the people who have expressed an interest, and consult directly with them. This should allow us to get a greater amount of feedback and involvement in the exact areas that you are interested in rather than the often “generic” consultations that schools sometimes employ.
This particular strategy is in addition to all of the other strategies we employ, such as coffee mornings, parents evenings, information evenings, progress review day, Deputy Head Teacher and/or Head Teacher surgeries at Parents Evenings, direct contact protocols, etc. details of which are all on our website.
I have indicated below 10 key areas that we are focussing on as a school that you may wish to express an interest in for going on the database for profiling. Please also feel free to add an extra topic if you have an area that you would like us to also include.
- Assessment (e.g. homework, levels, targets, tests, examinations)
- Curriculum (e.g. subjects, courses, what our students get to study)
- Extra-Curricular (e.g. activities that our students get to do outside of their lessons, clubs, House System)
- Welfare (e.g. systems we have in school to support our students’ welfare needs)
- Teaching and Learning (e.g. activities that we do in lessons to support our students’ learning)
- School Organisation (e.g. timetable, school day, transport, how we organise the school day)
- School Partnerships (e.g. links with other schools, partnerships, federations, academies)
- Transition (e.g. systems we have to get students from Yrs5/6 to Yr7, Yr11 to Post 16, Post 18 onwards)
- The Physical School (e.g. projects on new buildings, refurbishments, capital developments)
- Community (e.g. projects that help us be a resource for our community, links to community groups)
If you would like to go on our database for Parental Profiling @ PHS please complete the Parental Profiling @ PHS form at the top left of the page.