Student Development Day - 28 September
We are looking forward to welcoming a wide range of visitors to our school for the first Student Development day of the year. These days are central to us promoting the development of students’ knowledge and understanding of important issues in the PSHCE Curriculum. Each year group has a different focus and will learn through sessions and activities led by teachers and visitors from the police, disability groups, mental health agencies and many others.
Year 7: High School Ready, including sessions on our House system, combating cyberbullying and an introduction to careers
Year 8: Positive Relationships. These sessions link closely with our Educate-Challenge- Empower Charter and cover the Equality Act, challenging peer on peer abuse in society, disability awareness and anti-bullying
Year 9: Healthy Relationships, including combating sexism, harassment and abuse in society.
Year 10: GCSE Transition, including focus on mindfulness, work life balance and focusing on career goals
Year 11: Health and Wellbeing, including fitness, stress management and diet
Year 12: Sixth Form Induction with a focus on study skills vital for A level
Year 13: Exploring UCAS and employment.