Student Development Day Tuesday 19th July 2022
We are looking forward to welcoming a wide range of visitors to our school for our next Student Development Day. These days are central to us promoting the development of students’ knowledge and understanding of important issues in the PSHCE Curriculum. Each year group has a different focus and will learn through sessions and activities led by teachers and visitors from a range of organisations.
Year 7 students are looking at environmental issues, with talks from local organisations including The National Trust, The Bumblebee Conservation Trust and CCSOs from Poynton looking at the impact of environmental crime.
Year 8 students are hosting an afternoon tea party for members of the local community. The morning will involve the planning and preparation of the event, making decorations, food, cakes, gifts, quizzes and rehearsing the musical entertainments. Guests will arrive at school at 12.15pm for entertainment and light refreshments served by our students.
Year 9 students will be taking part in a finance/enterprise workshop provided by Natwest Bank, looking at budgeting, social enterprise and how to implement new initiatives. They will also finish the school year with an inter House PE competition led by members of the PE department.
Year 10 students are learning about their Health and Wellbeing. A range of external speakers will lead workshops on breast and testicular awareness/self checking, how to manage stress and anxiety, drugs and the law and alcohol.
Year 12 students will be focusing on Next Steps, with workshops from speakers in higher education talking about how to write a personal statement, degree level apprenticeships and goal setting. Students will also spend time beginning the process of completing their UCAS application.