School Policies
We regularly produce and update policies which underpin how we work strategically and day to day.
Please see Trust Policies and refer to the True Learning Partnership’s website for the following policies;
- TLP Charging and Remissions Policy
- TLP Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- TLP Vexatious or Persistent Complaints Policy
- TLP Whistleblowing Policy
- TLP GDPR Policy
- TLP Complaints Policy
- TLP Health and Safety Policy
- TLP ICT Acceptable Use Policy
- TLP Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy
Whenever appropriate, students are involved in helping the staff and governors to formulate policies and we also seek the views of parents and other stakeholders via information on the school's website or through the Poynton High newsletter.
The time period for policy review depends on the nature of the policy. Several are considered on an annual basis but some are operational for up to five years unless we have government requests to make immediate changes.