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Food and Textiles

Head of Department Mrs K Mottram

Food Curriculum Ambition

Aims of the Food, Preparation and Nutrition Department

At Poynton High School we believe that studying Food, Preparation and Nutrition is an integral part of student’s growth and independence as they go through their teenage years and beyond. All students have the opportunity to study Food, Preparation and Nutrition through Key Stage 3 and if chosen as part of their option choices, some students study at KS4. Our Food, Preparation and Nutrition course is aimed to prepare our learners with a range of skills in which they can put into practice in everyday life. It is our aim to ensure that our learners are confident practically and theoretically.

Through high quality teaching and learning our intent is that the Food, Preparation and Nutrition curriculum will allow students to:

  • Develop an enjoyment for preparing and cooking a range of foods.
  • Build upon skills that they may already have and which they will continue to learn and develop.
  • Understand the links between a variety of subjects such as Maths, Science and P.E and understand how these link with Food, Preparation and Nutrition.
  • Being able to understand a variety of cultures and diets and their implications on nutrition.
  • From Year 7 being able to develop on their prior learning which could take place at primary school or at home.
  • Allow students to experience a variety of skills through creating a range of dishes.
  • Demonstrate effective and safe cooking skills by planning, preparing and cooking using a variety of food commodities, cooking techniques and equipment.
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties and chemical processes as well as the nutritional content of food and drinks.
  • Understand the relationship between diet, nutrition and health, including the physiological and psychological effects of poor diet and health.
  • Understand the economic, environmental, ethical and socio-cultural influences on food availability, production processes and diet and health choices.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of functional and nutritional properties, sensory qualities and microbiological food safety considerations when preparing, processing, storing, cooking and serving food.
  • Understand and explore a range of ingredients and processes from different culinary traditions (traditional British and international), to inspire new ideas or modify existing recipes.

Textiles Curriculum Ambition

The UK has a vast creative industry. It is a sector that has passion for originality – using imagination to develop new ideas and techniques that aim to challenge the norm. We have some of the best fashion and textiles colleges, designers and retailers in the world.


Here at Poynton, our aim is to provide an encouraging and inclusive learning environment that breaks down the traditional stereotypes associated with our subject. Studying Textiles will enable students to develop a wide range of transferable skills with strong cross curricular links for further education, work and life.


Students will develop creative and innovative thinking through their experimentation and imagination. They will be able to reflect, critique and refine their ideas. Students will use an iterative design approach to widen their understanding of inquisitive problem solving.They will know the current social and environmental impacts of textiles involved in the entire product lifecycle. Students will be able to design and make fully functioning textiles based products that meet end user needs.They will know how products are manufactured as well as have an up to date understanding of the changing and ever evolving face of manufacturing. They will know how to fulfil client needs to ensure a successful and marketable product.


We aim to:

  • Foster an interest and enjoyment in the knowledge, design and manufacture of textile products.
  • Develop confidence in problem-solving activities with real life contexts that are investigated using a range of strategies that meet end user needs.
  • Stimulate student’s curiosity and consideration for the impact textile products have on our environment.
  • Enable students to choose appropriate materials by developing their knowledge of fibre and fabric properties whilst ensuring products are fit for purpose.
  • Develop student confidence and independence by enabling them to engage in a range of processes used to manufacture high quality textile products including decoration and construction.
  • Create Innovative designers who use analytical thinking to evaluate their designs.
  • Encourage self-reflection, which leads to further exploration of ideas.
  • Provide a sound basis for further study and entry to Fashion and Textiles based professions.


The Food and Textiles Department includes many different curriculum subjects.  We are dedicated to delivering the best possible teaching and learning experience to students and strongly believe in the value of our subjects for the world of work and to develop skills for life.  All members of the department are experienced, specialist subject teachers.


Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)

Students are taught Food and Textiles Technology in mixed ability groups of up to 24.  In Years 7 and 9 students have one lesson per fortnight.  There is a strong emphasis on teaching and learning practical skills with high expectations being set by staff.  Our aim is to enable students to work independently, with confidence and enjoyment, to make products of high quality. During Year 8 students complete 1 hour over the two weeks. Half of the year focused on Food and the other half on Textiles.

Students are assessed according to National Curriculum guidelines with progress recorded in students’ folders.

At Key Stage 3, we run a variety of competitions and clubs. For example, cookery clubs and Dress A Girl Around The World.


Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)

The department offers two separate subjects


GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition (OCR)
This two-year course is ideal if students enjoy practical food preparation and want to further develop skills.  Students learn to meet food needs that take into account nutritional guidelines, constraints of time, energy and available resources, personal lifestyle and eating patterns in modern society.  The department is resourced with modern, time and labour saving electrical equipment. Students will also learn theoretical knowledge in five areas to enhance their practical skills. These include, Food Nutrition and Health, Food Science, Food Safety, Food Choice, and Food Provenance.

Our students follow the GCSE OCR specification.


GCSE Textiles (AQA)
This two-year course offers the chance to develop practical skills and contribute to manufacturing and textile design.  It provides the opportunity to design and make products to wear and for use in the home, as well as learning about properties of fibres and fabrics and manufacturing issues in all areas of design and technology.  The department is resourced with a range of modern equipment and materials.

Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form)

The department offers one A level in Design and Technology: Textiles. We have a 100% pass rate in both areas with many of the students progressing to degree courses in related subjects. Student will practice a variety of different techniques in their first year alongside learning theoretical knowledge. During their second year, students will create their own brief and produce a portfolio of work and final product.
In Design and Technology: Textiles, our students follow the AQA specification.

The Food / Textiles Department

Head of Food and Nutrition

Mrs K Mottram

Head of Textiles

Mrs K Mottram

Teachers of Food / Textiles

Miss A Corry

Miss A Mills



Recipes - Click the item to download
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Cheese on toast
Fruit Salad
Fish Pie
Fruit Crumble
Pasta in Tomato Sauce
Savoury Rice
Lemon Cheese Cake

Spaghetti Bolognese Extra Veg
Vegetable Curry
Cous Cous and Vegetables
Vegetable Lasagne
Lemon Tray Bake
Meatballs in Tomato Sauce

Swiss Roll
Victoria Sandwich Cake
Pasta Bake
Muffin Tin Croquettes
Chicken Dippers
Tasty Tartlets


Poynton High School & Performing Arts College

Yew Tree Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1PU

01625 871 811